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IT Support Blog

IT & Tech News, How-to and more

Migrate Workgroup to Domain

1) Reboot and log onto the machine as local admin. Copy the profile of the local user.(old user profile) Name it “copyofusername” or something similar. (optional) 2) Join the domain (under...

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Outlook 2003 Switch

To use switches, at the Start menu, Run command type: Outlook /switch Occasionally you’ll need to use the full path to Outlook, so the command line looks like: “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Outlook.exe ” /switch Note:...

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Cannot change paging file

Try this Start regedt32.exe (not regedit.exe) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management Double-click PagingFiles. The entry will appear as D:\pagefile.sys 700 700 The first value is the location; the second is the minimum size; and the third...

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Active Directory database corrupted

Active Directory database corruption is nasty. If you don't have your image backup or any system state backup. It's going to cost you time (and money). We have faced this recently,...

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Howto: Backup and restore Ubuntu

Hi, and welcome to the Heliode guide to successful backing-up and restoring of a Linux system! Most of you have probably used Windows before you started using Ubuntu. During that time...

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Quick Launch disappears each reboot

After reading through these (and many other similar forums) and not finding a solution that worked for me, there appears to be a 3rd form of the problem ‘Quick Launch...

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